Kung Fu Panda 4 Review – Is it worst?

Kung Fu Panda 4 was not something that we expected, we thought it would be one of the best when compared to its previous movies. It turned us down, Kung Fu Panda 2 was the best movie so far when compared to its other movies. Panda 2 had the right drama, it served adults and children it was really good also got lot of Kung Fu action.

Kung Fu Panda 4 – Let’s start the review

This movie is easily the worst movie of all the other movies. For kids, this movie is good it’s not scary. Kids will love this movie and Parents can take rest and sleep for that time. Despite this four-film being planned it felt like an unnecessary sequel on pretty much every level. From the new villain looking very uninspired to the possible regression of post-character Arc. 

Our minimum expectation from the Kung Fu Panda 4 was that it would be a solid storyline and action-packed movie of the franchise, it just didn’t happen and the movie didn’t have the maturity or depth of its previous movies in the series.  

Firstly let’s start with Aquafina, many readers will have one serious question is Aquafina annoying in this movie? Yes, you guys are right. Talking about the movie this movie is insanely fast and its pace is really hard to catch by any normal person. The movie just jumps from one scene to the next without giving any character movement. Everyone is concerned about the Furious 5 because they are nowhere seen in the movie. First 10 minutes of the movie they tried to explain why Furious 5 was out of this movie but it was so fast and confusing the message was not passed to the audience.

The audio and animation of the movie were superb and these are only the areas where they have done their best job. There is no lag no gap in animation and audio. We would recommend our user to watch the movie in 3D as it has good actions in it. We still feel that this is a good family movie. There is a scene near the cliffside filled with shady characters this is where the movie actually comes alive Panda teams up with Fox(Voiced by Aquafina). The action also picks up here there is a great chase through the city.

Once the Kung Fu Panda 4 began to embrace its theme which is essentially accepting change even though change can be scary and embracing it. For a change, we would recommend this movies to Kids as they adapt to change quickly, and adults as well as sometimes have to accept the change. 

The movie does a pretty good job of exploring its main theme plus Viola Davis was clearly having an excellent time playing a shape-shifting lizard look. This movie is not going to do what ‘Puss & Boot’ did for DreamWorks it is nowhere near that kind of work. Yes, it is a very entertaining movie and it is quite enjoyable. Kids who are actually a great fan of Panda movies should give it a try. Unlike other DreamWork movies, it is not marked though but surely kids will enjoy it. Animation and sound are the best and the franchise thoroughly maintains this consistency. Watching it in 3D will give you more edge as many action scenes are fabulous.

Hope you guys watch the movie this weekend and you enjoy it. Do comment below with your experience after watching the movie. Also, share how helpful this blog was for you to enjoy the movie.

Watch the trailer of Kung Fu Panda 4 here – Click Now

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