Fear The Walking Dead Season 8 – Episode 1 Recap

Fear The Walking Dead season 8 Episode 1 – Remember what they took from you

Upon reaching Padre Morgan and Madison are taken for interrogation, when Morgan wakes up the Padre offers him to become a collector of the Island. Shrike walks in and starts a radio which has a sound unforgettable baby and Shrike tells Morgan that this is the sound of the Island’s newest intake. Shirke and Padre suspect Morgan to be the parent of the child brought in by Madison.

Fear The Walking Dead Season 8

After hearing this Morgan and Madison feel they are in danger and start fighting with guards and end up overpowering the guards. Madison stays behind and gives Morgan a chance to escape and rescue ‘Mo’ from Padre’s clutches. Now the scene starts with showing Madison, 7 years have passed from when Morgan has left Madison, she has survived this many days in the captivity of Padre. Madison has been used for multiple experiments by Shrike for many days. 

During her captivity, she comes across a young girl named Ren, who tells Madison that she knows about her and knows that Madison is a skilled warrior and she has caused many casualties to Padre and their mission. Ren requests Madison to train her to become stronger. But looking at the girl closely and seeing the scar on her wrist hand Madison realised that this girl is Mo.

Fear The Walking Dead

Mo has be manipulated by Padre through these years and making her unwilling to believe Madison. Somehow Madison convinces Mo to follow her and they plan to escape the Island together. Madison then leads Mo to the swamp on the edge of the Island where they surprisingly come across Morgan and another surprise they got is now Morgan works with Padre as a collector. Morgan now explains to Madison why he feels that Mo is more safe by staying on the Island. Morgan now guides them to escape and takes them to a houseboat for a night halt.

Inside the Houseboat Mo gets a clue about Morgan’s past life and gets a tape recorder which has a lullaby sung by women. The boat is being attacked by walkers now and Morgan remembers the same thing that happened 7 years before which forced him to give back Mo to the Padres. Since walkers start climbing houseboats because of their weight houseboats start to sink. Madison gives a way to Mo and Morgan, she sacrifices again so the father and daughter can escape this island.

Fear The Walking Dead Season 8

Walker marches towards Madison and just when they come close to Madison, Grace arrives in a speedboat with guns and manages to rescue all three of them. After this rescue Morgan and Grace ask Mo to return to Padre for her safety but Mo doesn’t agree to this. Meanwhile, the soldiers of Padre come and take Madison again into custody, and in the same time, Margon has been dismissed from the collector’s position. 

Mo is again taken back to Padre and given another chance to support the cause of Padre she is been training for. Mo agrees to start her training again and Episode one ends here

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