Damsel Netflix Review – Strong Women Lead Story

Damsel is Netflix’s latest fantasy epic that says what will happen if Damsel tries to save herself. In this article, we will be taking a look at the movie, its ending, and some of the details you have missed in the movie. Before we start do comment below about your experience of the movie.

Damsel – Start of the Movie

Damsel follows the lady Elodie Bayford, a woman who is Lord Bayford’s daughter, who rules an unnamed kingdom called The Freeze. A Frozen space where we can see only white ground, all the trees in this area are cut down to warm the people staying in the kingdom and now there are no trees available.

Luckily there is a solution, the entry of Red Priestess from the Kingdom of Ora. She has come to deliver a message about marriage, The Queen of Ora wants a girl to marry her Son. Queen of Ora is portrayed by Robin Wright. She offers a proposal to Elodie to marry her son which will be a win-win situation for both. Her son will get a bride and the Bayfords will get to enjoy Ora’s huge kingdom. Elodie will also save her Spanish people by telling her future husband about saving her people which will make her happy. 

Elodie doesn’t have the authority to make decisions about her marriage, Lord Bayford will make it for her. He has got a very good offer from the Queen of Ora for this marriage. Now Elodie, Sister Florida, Lord Bayford, and stepmother land on Ora to discuss the marriage. Without wasting any time Queen and Lord Bayford start discussing details about the marriage, leaving the couple to spend time alone and get to know each other. Both of them start with a dig into each other and have the same dream of traveling the world. 

Lord Bayford after returning from the meeting seems disturbed over something. He observed Lady Bayford get a cold welcome from the queen and queen of Ora even didn’t know the name of the bride. After these suspicious activities, Elodie’s stepmother asks Lord Bayford to pull out of the marriage but Lord does not agree to this. Elodie and Henry are married now, they move to a second ceremony which is secret and part of an ancient Ora custom. 

Elodie is now a little concerned about the marriage as she is taken to a haunted mountain location for a second ceremony to welcome her, queen wears a different red dress and people are seen with weird masks on their faces. Things get strange when the queen gives a big cut on Elodie’s and Henry’s palms and asked to hold them together. All this a traditional queen convinces Elodie, once all tradition is complete Henry picks up Elodie and walks towards the exit, he trhows Elodie over the edge into a death hole.

Why Henry threw his wife to death, This is all linked to an ancient pact were the former king of Ora made with the dragon. According to the queen her people arrived on the island centuries ago only to find it inhabited by a vicious dragon. For goodwill, Ora soldiers make continuous attempts to kill the dragon, and one day they come across 3 babies of the dragon.

The soldiers badly slay the kids and on this mom, the dragon gets completely pissed off and burns out all the soldiers. Kindly who’s remaining now begs to forgive him in front of the dragon. King requests he will do anything for dragons if mom dragon allows him to live. Dragon wants him to suffer and she asks him to sacrifice.

Dragon wants the king to sacrifice his royal bloodline, basically 3 of his daughters. Since then Royals have found a clever way to let go there bloodline from this sacrifice. They throw their daughter-in-law in the hole instead of their daughters. The whole revenge from the dragon was to give the pain how they got when the king killed their kids. Elodie was sacrificed number 2 and somehow managed to come out from the dragon land. This makes dragons furious and starts burning the surrounding of the Ora kingdom, reminding them about the sacrifice.

Queen now has to sacrifice someone she now selects Elodie’s younger sister but Henry refuses to throw her on this queen herself throws her in the hole. Elodie now again goes to the dragon land to save her sister and convince the dragon that they are killing the wrong people. There is fight between Elodie and Dragon but in the fight, dragon burns herself on which Elodie puts blue worms for healing. Through this good gesture, dragon starts respecting Elodie and believes that she is telling the truth.

Both Elodie and Dragon are the victims of Ora’s deception. After realizing this dragon and Elodie both come together. Elodie stops the third marriage and saves the girl from this. Queen of Ora gets angry on this but now Elodie has good support from the dragon. Dragon burns the whole kingdom of the queen and Elodie returns to her city with some wealth to serve her people and with one dragon.

This the story of Damsel movie released on Netflix, Do share your experience in the comment box below

Damsel Movie Trailer – Click Here

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